Medipim API V3

Developer documentation

GET /v3/news-items/search







  • filter: one of the filters below; filters can be combined using and, or & not. (optional)
  • page: (optional)
    • no: page number (zero-based)
    • size: one of 10, 50, 100 or 250 (defaults to 100)
Filter Description Parameters Examples
{"createdAt": ...} Matches news items created since the given time(range). Unix timestamp. {"createdAt": {"from": 1471525605}} or
{"createdAt": {"from": 1471525605, "until": 1472525605}}
{"touchedAt": ...} Matches news items last updated since the given time(range). Unix timestamp. {"touchedAt": {"from": 1471525605}} or
{"touchedAt": {"from": 1471525605, "until": 1472525605}}
{"type": ...} Matches news items by type. "product", "brand", "organization" or "public_category" {"type": "brand"} or
{"type": ["product","brand"]}
{"locale": ...} Matches news items by language. "nl", "fr" or "en" {"locale": "nl"} or
{"locale": ["nl","fr","en"]}
{"product": ...} Matches news items by Medipim Product ID. One or more Medipim Product ID(s) {"product": "M12345ABCD"} or
{"product": ["M12345ABCD"]}
{"brand": ...} Matches news items by Medipim Brand ID. One or more Medipim Brand ID(s) {"brand": 1} or
{"brand": [1,2, ...]}
{"publicCategory": ...} Matches news items by Medipim public Category ID. One or more Medipim public Category ID(s) {"publicCategory": 1} or
{"publicCategory": [1,2, ...]}
{"organization": ...} Matches news items by Medipim Organization ID. One or more Medipim Organization ID(s) {"organization": 1041} or
{"organization": [1035, 1041, ...]}
{"and": [...]} Matches products that match all of the given filters. A list of filters. {"and": [{"locale": "nl"}, {"product": "M12345ABCD"}]}
{"or": [...]} Matches products that match any of the given filters. A list of filters. {"or": [{"locale": "nl"}, {"product": "M12345ABCD"}]}
{"not": ...} Matches products that do not match the given filter. A filter. {"not": {"locale": "nl"}}



  • meta:
    • total: total results across all pages.
    • page
      • no: page number (zero-based)
      • offset: offset of the first news item in the entire resultset
      • size: size of the page
  • results[]: a list of matching new items on this page.
    • id: Medipim NewsItem ID (integer, unique)
    • type: Medipim NewsItem Type (product, brand, organization or public_category)
    • title.{nl|fr|en}: Title (string, localized)
    • content: Collection of content blocks
      • shortDescription.{nl|fr|en}: Content (html, localized)
      • description.{nl|fr|en}: Content (html, localized)
    • locales[]: Languages for which the news item is suitable.
    • organization: Organization that created the update. (integer) | GET /v3/organizations/all response
    • products[]: A collection of products IDs associated with this news item (only for type product) | GET /v3/products/get response
    • brands[]: A collection of brand IDs associated with this news item (only for type brand) | GET /v3/brands/all response
    • categories[]: A collection of public categories IDs associated with this news item (only for type public_category) | GET /v3/public-categories/all response
    • meta
      • createdAt: When the news item was created on Medipim (unix timstamp)
      • updatedAt: When the news item was last updated (unix timestamp)