Medipim BE - API V4

Developer documentation

POST /v4/product/attribute/options/query

(Last updated: 12/03/2025)







  • filter: one of the filters below; filters can be combined using and, or & not. (optional)
  • sorting: one of the sortings below. (optional; default is {"id": "ASC"})
  • page (optional; if none is provided all results are returned)
    • no: page number (zero-based)
    • size: one of 10, 50, 100 or 250 (defaults to 100)
Filter Description Parameters Examples
{"id": ...} Matches attribute options by Medipim ID. Integer {"id": 1}
{"attribute": ...} Matches attribute options by attribute ID. Medipim attribute ID {"attribute": 1}
{"type": ...} Matches attribute options by attribute code. Medipim attribute code {"type": "color"}
{"and": [...]} Matches attribute options that match all of the given filters. A list of filters. {"and": [{"id": 1}, {"attribute": 1}]}
{"or": [...]} Matches attribute options that match any of the given filters. A list of filters. {"or": [{"attribute": 1}, {"attribute": 2}]}
{"not": ...} Matches attribute options that do not match the given filter. A filter. {"not": {"attribute": 1}}
Sorting Description Parameters Examples
{"id": ...} Sort by Medipim ID "ASC" or "DESC" {"id": "ASC"} or {"id": "DESC"}
{"name": ...} Sort by Name "ASC" or "DESC" {"name": "ASC"} or {"name": "DESC"}



  • meta:
    • total: total number of attribute options (integer)
    • page:
      • no: page number (zero-based) (integer)
      • offset: offset of the first item in the entire resultset (integer)
      • size: size of the page (integer)
  • results[]:
    • id: Medipim ID of the option (integer, unique)
    • type: Code of the attribute (string)
    • name.{...}: Name of the option (string, localized)
    • meta:
      • createdAt: When the option was created on Medipim (unix timestamp)
      • updatedAt: when the option information was last updated (unix timestamp)


The meta page section will only be returned if you added a page in the request body.
