Medipim BE - API V4

Developer documentation

POST /v4/products/create

(Last updated: 26/07/2024)

Access to this feature is restricted and depends on your subscription type.

This endpoint allows for creating (new) products.







  • data: All fields are optional. If you don't provide a key, it will not be changed; if you set it to null, it will be cleared.
    • status: Product status (active, inactive, replaced, no_selection)
    • replacement: Medipim ID of the replacing product (only in case product status is "replaced")
    • name.{...}: Name (string, localized)
    • seoName.{...}: SEO friendly name (string, localized)
    • shortDescription.{...}: Short description (plain text, localized) (⚠️ field is not used anymore)
    • prescription: Whether or not the product requires a prescription. (boolean)
    • writtenRequestByPatient: Written request by patient. (boolean)
    • officialDeletionAt: Official date on which the product became unavailable. (unix timestamp)
    • ean[]: EAN codes (⚠️ a product may have multiple EAN codes) (integer[])
    • gtin: GTIN code (integer) (⚠️ use ean field instead)
    • hsCode: Harmonised System (HS) code (integer)
    • supplierReference: Supplier reference code (string)
    • cnk: CNK code (string)
    • udi: UDI code (string)
    • nut: NUT code (string)
    • ctiExtended: Extended CTI code (string)
    • atc: ATC code (string) (⚠️ deprecated use atcCategory instead)
    • atcCategory[]: List of ATC category codes associated with this product (string[])
    • conservation: Conservation for a given product. Possible values: room, refrigerator, fresh, frozen (string)
    • tax: rate of VAT (float)
    • publicPrice: Public price (integer, in EUR)
    • manufacturerPrice: Manufacturer price (integer, in EUR)
    • pharmacistPrice: Pharmacist price (integer, in EUR)
    • weight: Weight (integer, in grams)
    • width: Width (integer, in millimeters)
    • length: Length (integer, in millimeters)
    • depth: Depth (integer, in millimeters)
    • packageContent: Number of packages (integer)
    • packageQuantity: How many units are in the package (string)
    • packagingUnit: Packaging unit (string)
    • publicCategories[]: The full list of publicCategory IDs that should be associated with this product.
    • bcfiCategory[]: The full list of BCFI category IDs that should be associated with this product.
    • apbCategory[]: The full list of APB category IDs that should be associated with this product.
    • brands[]: The full list of brand IDs that should be associated with this product.
    • organizations[]: The full list of organization IDs that should be associated with this product.
    • attributes[]: The full list of attributes IDs that should be associated with this product.
    • activeIngredients[]: The full list of active ingredient IDs that should be associated with this product.

Please check to see which fields you are allowed to update through the api.

