Medipim API V2 Documentation

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get all products?

The full Medipim database contains hundreds of thousands of products. A good first step in determining your selection is exporting a list of CNKs from e.g. inventory management software. You can limit your selection to products with specific types of content; match it against our relevant content files.

How do I synchronize products?

Add the modified_since parameter to your product requests. The result will only contain products that have been updated since that time. Setting this parameter to the time of your previous synchronization will yield exactly the products you need to bring your database up-to-date.

Note that we do not track which products you have requested before. You should do an initial request without modified_since parameter for products newly added to your database.

Should I call medipim on-the-fly?

The Medipim API should not be used in real-time. It is recommended you synchronize product information and media to your own storage daily; use the modified_since parameter to get only updated information.

I have a relative media url without a domain, where do I get the file?

All relative media urls can be accessed via

Why am I receiving http status code 401?

You did not provide an HTTP Authentication header when requesting a resource that requires one.

Why am I receiving http status code 403?

If you are correctly authenticating and are still getting 403 errors, make sure:

  • You are using the right authentication method for the request you are making.
  • Your api key has not expired.

Why am I receiving http status code 405?

The 405 status code is returned when the request was made with the wrong HTTP method. Make sure you are using the correct method for the request.

How many requests can I send?

To prevent overloading our servers you are limited to 45 requests per minute (per user). If you exceed this limit, your request will be refused and HTTP status code 429 is returned.

I am correctly sending a request, but getting an empty result/results limited to a specific language

Some REST tools implicitely send an Accept-language header. Try explicitely adding this header as Accept-language: nl,fr,en.